Tuesday, April 27, 2010
7 of my favorite pairs of shoes!
After many wonderful suggestions for this weeks '7' I finally decided to share 7 pairs of my favorite shoes (although I have to admit there are more than 7 favorites in my closet I thought it best to not go overboard). And apparently I had way to much time on my hands since I actually took my shoes, posed them around the house and photographed them. I will blame that on the fact that I work for a photographer-maybe I am trying to 'feed off of her talent'. But these pictures only prove that is better that she take the pictures and I remain the one who takes care of everyones orders. So here you go and I will be using some of your suggestions for future favorite lists. It was very fun to see what my facebook friends came up with. I seem to need Ashlyn here with me today to post this like I wanted to. I would love to put captions by each picture. But as some of you may know I am 'computer stupid' sooooooooo I think at this time what you see is what we get. And maybe you really don't want to hear about my silly shoes anyway! ha ha
I hope you all have a great week!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Two Year Olds........... definitely one of my favorite things!

So here goes: 7 of my favorite things from the 2's class:
1. "What happened to your hair?" This is a very common question that the kids will ask my handsome bald husband. The next question: "Can I touch it?" I wish I had a picture of the time that about 4 little kids were all rubbing his head all at once.
2. "Look at my shoes!" You would be amazed at how proud little people are of their new shoes, even their old shoes. These are kids after my own heart.
3. "This Bible is orange and it does not match my outfit!!!!" This statement cracks me up every time I think about it-
4. If you are needing to kill a little time with 2 year olds just ask them if they have any 'boo boo's'. Every one of them will show off their latest bruise, scratch or bump. And they ALWAYS have some to show.
5. This one is just a general rule of thumb: When one 'two' needs to go potty it almost always ends up in a parade of many who 'need to go potty'
6. I love how if you ask them to help you clean up they might just act like you are talking a different language BUT if you start singing Barney's clean up song they are like robots and just start cleaning. AWESOME!!! Too bad this one doesn't work on teenagers.
7. And this one doesn't happen very often but one of our two's told us a joke. He was dressed up like a Pirate for halloween (because it was halloween). Here is the joke: How much do Pirates pay for earrings?................. 'A buck an ear'
(Thank you Kara for letting me post a picture of Will and Levi-2 of our favorite 2's) I might have to post a few more pictures of these guys and some of the others during the week.
I sure do love all those little people!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
This week's 7 things is gonna be an easy one......... My favorite things about SPRING!!
FINALLY we have gone days without some bitter cold for a while now. We have had some 90's, 80's and all of this week may be in the 70's. I will even let those slip by- ha ha
So here is is this weeks 7.....
1. Cooking on the grill, let it be burgers, chicken, quesadillas , corn, asparagus ......... whatever it is it is YUMMMMMMY! (Thanks Jonathan for cooking on the grill) ;-)
2. The flowers are blooming, I have seen daffodils, tulips, blue bonnets, iris, little yellow flowers and purple flowers (ok they might be weeds-but they are cute none the less)
3. The trees have gone from beautiful blooms to full green leaves.
4. I have ridden in the VW bug with the top down a few times
5. Had my first sun burn (remember I like to feel 'toasty')
6. The family has been taking some nice long walks in our awesome new neighborhood.
7. Just 50 more days until school is out and it will be SUMMER!!!!! whoo hooooooooo
Monday, April 5, 2010
7 favorite things about our Easter Weekend
1. Our Easter tradition of an English Breakfast (Scones, strawberry jam and clotted cream and hot tea (or a Diet Coke if you are Jonathan)
2. That we didn't have to wear our winter coats with our Easter Dresses.
3. Val Durrington singing "Arise My Love" at church. It makes me cry EVERY year!
4. Spending some time in Dallas over the weekend, touring Texas Stadium, going to the Sculpture Museum, shopping in Anthropologie and eating at PF Chang's.
5. Relaxing with the family, taking walks, listening to New Moon (book on tape) on the road,
6. Seeing all those adorable Easter dresses on sweet little girls (including my two beautiful girls)
7. That the girls still wanted to hunt eggs.
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