Sunday, May 2, 2010

7 precious People that I miss

Well, this one is going to be a little deeper than a list of my favorite shoes (I know it was a lame one!) I am going to list a few people who were dear to me and are no longer with us on this earth. While there are many already coming into my mind I am going to keep it at my '# 7' at least I think I will.

1. Janet Hughes: Our family went to Yellowstone together with Jonathan's cousin and his family. It was the last time I got to see Janet before she passed away from colon cancer. That girl could find the best little antique stores in East Texas. She could name any flower or type of rock (she was especially impressive at this while at Yellowstone). She bought me a little toy car VW bug for my 40th birthday-sadly she wasn't around when I got the real thing. One of the funniest things she said was that her family was a "Lawrence Welk" kind of family and Paul's (her husband) was a "Hee Haw" kind of family.

2. Uncle Max Magness: He was the youngest of 7 of my Dad's siblings. He was as real cowboy as they came. He looked like some of those funny cowboy cards you see sometimes. The ones with nasty teeth. He did have nasty teeth and spit chewing tobacco every waking moment and I kissed him every time I saw him. bleh! He was funny guy and a loyal friend with a big ol heart.

3. Hardy Stewart: Hardy became MY papaw pretty much the first time I met him (who was really Jonathan's papaw. He was a big tall man who loved his wife dearly, was proud of his sons and adored his grandchildren. My mom's parents passed away when I was only in 3rd grade and my dads mom "had so many grandchildren, she didn't know what to do" ha ha. So I guess I just ate up the love that Jonathan's precious grandparents showed me. I will always remember his laugh and those big hands with the end of one finger missing.

4. Kerri Lane: Loved her girls and God more than anyone I have ever known. She had the funniest sense of humor and was such a dear friend to soooooo many people. I wish I could have spent a lot more time with this lady. I am thankful for the time I did spend with her and the time I get to spend with her girls.

5. Russell and Vida Post: These two lived across the street from my family in Roswell New Mexico. They were an older couple that never had any children. I would go to their house A LOT; back in the day when a child could go 'missing' for hours with no cell phone and no worries. My dog Jiggs loved them as much as I did, in fact she would jump the fence all the time and go to their house. Maybe it was because they would give Jiggs and I Oreo cookies and Snicker's bars. They moved to Arkansas and I went and saw them a few times during the summer one time for a full 4 weeks (and I had never been away from home). They took me all over Arkansas and Tennessee and fed me fresh strawberries until I broke out in hives and thought I had the chicken pox. I remember that was the first time to ever see fireflies and mosquitos the size of humming birds. I think I looked like I had been pecked by a humming bird because of those mosquitos!

6. Myrtle Gray: when I was in Junior High and High School I went to Pine Springs summer camp in Sacramento New Mexico. There was a lady who would teach all the girls bible classes. It seemed like she was 80 years old, she had long grey hair tied up in a bun and always wore a skirt. It was really something to watch that lady get around in the mountains. She had such a passion to teach, she spoke just above a whisper and the 'mess hall' filled with girls listened to what she had to say.

7. Addie B. Hughes: This sweet lady was Jonathan's other grandmother. She was soft spoken and someone who was content with very little. The only things that would get her out of the house was: 1.) going to church every time the doors were open 2.) getting her hair fixed and
3.) going to the grocery store. I really need to learn to cook pies the way she did. It was always a treat to go a spend time at her house in East Texas, it was a peaceful place to be and she fed us well.

There are so many people that have passed through my life and I am thankful for everyone of them. I hope this makes you think about the people you have loved and miss. Blessings to you people!

1 comment:

  1. There is a geological display on the 3rd floor of Hanna Hall that Aunt Janet made during college...I pass it every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday...I think about her a lot.

    When I think of Mamaw I always think food...Jello cake in particular... :)

