Saturday, May 15, 2010

Not my favorite things!!!

I decided to do something different this week; instead of doing 7 favorite things I am going to do 7 things that are NOT my Favorites.

1) Confrontation. I hate to be confronted and I hate to confront someone, I hate confrontation. It gives me a stomach ache. Lets just be happy and all get along please!

2) Having stitches pulled out. Ugh it makes to shiver just thinking about it. I haven't even had to have stitches very often. It doesn't bother me as much to get stitches (which is a little weird since that part involves a pointy needle going through my skin). But that tugging feeling- the skin being stuck to the thread...................aaarrrrgggggghhhhh

3) Many of you know by now that I love the summer and being warm. The down side of summer is air conditioning. Now I am all for air conditioning unless it makes me cold. Why in the world do we need winter coats in the summer at church, the grocery store, the mall, the movie theater, etc. etc. etc. Why can't all these places just find a comfortable temperature, save some money, save the planet.

4) Termites. I didn't know this would be one of my 'not favorite things' until a few weeks ago. I got to experience a termite 'swarm' in my very own house. Many, many, many little flying buggy things came out of the door facing of the bathroom. I don't want to talk about this anymore, I feel itchy. (you do not have to be afraid of coming to our house-they have been dealt with)

5) When husband tells me "you are snoring". How can we not be sure it wasn't that he woke himself with his own snoring? I know my allergies have been bad and my nose has been stuffy but surely I do not snore, I don't!

6) When momma's have to bury their children. I have walked this journey with a couple of my friends and it breaks my heart. No matter if their child was small or a grown adult, I wish this pain did not exist.

7) When Children have to bury their Momma's. It just seems like kids need their moms to help them grow up.

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